
Reunions 2025 FAQ

Questions? We have answers!

Can I attend if it's not my reunion year?

Yes, of course—we would love to have you! Most of our events are open to alumni of any class year.

Will any events be virtual?

No, all events will be held in-person.

How do I register for Reunions?

Online registration for Reunions 2025 opens February 27, 2025.

Who can attend Reunions?

Reed alumni, their families, and the entire Reed community.

What does it cost to attend Reunions?

It is FREE to attend Reunions on campus, but there are costs you will pay when you register if you would like to stay on campus, attend meals, or participate in one of our special luncheons/dinners.

We encourage you to purchase meal tickets and dorms when you register. Neither will be available on site. Last year we sold out!

We will not issue any refunds after Monday, May 26.

Can I stay on campus?

Yes! A limited number of dorm rooms are available for alumni to reserve from Thursday night (June 12) to Sunday morning (June 15). You can reserve your room(s) when you register for Reunions. More information can be found on our Accomodations page.

Please register ALL your companions (friends, family, children of all ages, etc.). If you do not, we have no way to know that they need a bed as well! Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements (including stair or loft bed access).

Dorm Room FAQs

Can I reserve more than one room?
Yes. You can choose how many rooms you want when you register for Reunions

Can I choose the type or room or dorm I am in?
You can add special requests when you register for Reunions, but we cannot promise to accommodate every request. ADA and family requests will be considered first.

Can my pet(s) stay with me in the dorm?
No. The only pets allowed inside campus buildings, including dorms, are registered service animals.

What is provided with my dorm reservation?

You will be provided one key and one swipe card (two keys and two swipes for double rooms), one pack of disposable sheets, a small serviceable pillow, and a terry cloth bath towel. Read more about the disposable linens. Not everyone likes them, so we strongly suggest you bring your own bedding and toiletries to make your stay more comfortable! We do not provide bath soap or other toiletries.

What do I need to bring to Reunions?

If you are staying in the dorms you are encouraged to bring:
  1. Your own bed linens (disposable sheets will be provided)
  2. Blankets (a simple thin blanket will be provided)
  3. Pillow  (a small serviceable pillow will be provided)
  4. Bath Towel and Robe  (a simple terrycloth towel will be provided)
  5. Toiletries (bath soap, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste, etc. will NOT be provided)

See more dorm FAQs in the dropdown about staying on campus!

Everyone should bring:

  1. Identification to purchase drinks at the bar.
  2. Your own waterbottle to fill at our stations.
  3. Weather appropriate clothes; we are in Portland! 😉
  4. A smile and boundless energy!

Can I bring my pet?

Pets are only allowed in the dorms and campus buildings if they are service animals.

When and where do I check in?

Open hours for Reunions Central in Prexy House:

Thursday, June 12
12:30 p.m.– 6 p.m.

Friday, June 13
8 a.m.– 8 p.m.

Saturday, June 14
8 a.m.–5 p.m.

Sunday, June 15 for check-out
8 a.m.–1 p.m.

What if I arrive late, after check-in closes? 

If you arrive after hours and need to be let into your dorm, call Community Safety at 503-517-5355 and go directly to 28 West (CSO Office) to collect your dorm swipe and key. Please come to Reunions Central (Prexy House) the next day to complete the check-in process and pick up your Reunions pouch.

If you did not register for Reunions in advance, you will not be permitted to check-in outside of Reunions Central open hours. Here is a list of other accommodations nearby that offer Reedie discounts.

All guests must be checked out by 1 pm on Sunday. You cannot stay in your dorm room Sunday night.

Can I help organize an event?

We’d love to hear from you! To get involved, email

What can I expect Reunions to be like?

This year’s Reunions will include beloved traditions such as the Carnival, Stop Making Sense LIVE, the Alumni Talent Show, a faculty lecture, class events, and more! 

Can I make a gift in honor of my class reunion?

Yes, and it's easy! Make your gift online, and during the check out process you can let us know your class year. Sending a check? Note in the memo field that it is in honor of your class. Thank you!

Want to encourage others to donate? Consider signing-up for a Match or Challenge when making a gift online. View more details under the 'About' section on the campaign page.

What is Reed doing to create a COVID-safe environment for Reunions?

In an effort to keep our campus and alumni community safe, we have implemented a few rules for this year’s Reunions:

  1. All on-campus visitors must wear their name badge while they are on campus. 
  2. Extra face coverings and hand sanitizer will be available at registration and event check-in tables.
  3. We will follow all safety protocols for food service as set by local and state guidelines.

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